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PS 153 Attendance Policy

P.S 153 Attendance Policy

How do students do well in school? They go every day! Students may miss school for illness, emergencies, or for religious reasons, but we want to see every student in school every day. Did you know that a student with 90% attendance has missed one month of school by the end of the year? Students with less than 90% attendance are more likely to have lower test scores and not graduate from high school.   Students will be entered for a gift card for 100% attendance each month.

Here are some basic things you should know about attendance in New York City schools:

  • Schools must take attendance to show whether a student is in school or not; it’s the law.
  • Schools can mark an absence as “excused” for religious reasons, illness, or some other reasons, but they are still absences and must be part of the student’s record.
  • Teachers can make attendance part of a class grade, but it cannot be the only reason for a failing grade or not being promoted or graduating.
  • Schools must tell families when students are absent or late. Does your school have the right information to contact you?

Attendance Policies

Record-Keeping and Attendance Rules

Attendance is a required, legal record

A student who is not in school for at least one class period must be marked absent, even if the absence is excused. Attendance records in the electronic system cannot be changed after the middle of July. However, attendance records may be amended by submitting a letter to the student's file.

  • Families check attendance on report cards, ask the school for attendance records, or follow attendance on your NYC Schools account
  • Schools have strong routines for collecting, checking and updating data

Every absence counts. Excused absences are still absences.

Schools can excuse absences when a student misses school for religious, medical or emergency reasons, but the excused absences is a legal part of the student's record. Excused absences may not count against a student for school awards or participation in school activities.

  • Families ask about school policies for absences and plan vacations, trips, and appointments when school is not in session.
  • Schools publish school attendance policies, including rules for excused absences and vacations, and help student who do miss school stay on track with take-home and make-up work.

Schools must contact the student's family after every unexplained absence

Schools will reach out to learn why students missed school and how to help. Parents must provide a reason for absences. Follow-up and new outreach is required after ten missed days in a row, and when students in pre-K through eighth grade miss any 20 days. Schools must have up-to-date phone numbers and addresses so they can reach families.

  • Families ask schools how and when they will notify you of absences and make sure your phone numbers on your NYC Schools account
  •  and on Blue Cards are correct.
  • Schools tell families how and when they will be contacted about absences and regularly check and up-date family phone numbers and addresses.

Consequences for Absences or Lateness

A student who arrives late to school is counted as present for the day

Being at school on time is important, but it is always better to come to school late than to miss the whole day. Schools may keep students who are late or cut class—or who leave early—out of school activities or communal lunchtime, but a late student cannot be kept out of class.

  • Families ask about what to do when a student must be late or leave early, or the consequences for a student who cuts class even if the student’s attendance is good.
  • Schools know when students come late, leave early, or cut class in order to develop strategies to improve attendance.

Attendance alone cannot prevent promotion or graduation

Students cannot fail a class or not be promoted because of their attendance, but attendance may affect grades. Students who meet class expectations must receive credit and are not required to make up the exact hours of missed class time.

  • Families ask schools about grading policies and requirements to make up class work if students miss school.
  • Schools make sure students and families know grading and promotion policies, and have plans for make-up class work.


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Notes In Motion

NYS Testing

Dear Families: 

Next week starts the annual New York State English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics assessments.  These assessments will be administered to all students in grades 3-8 on the following dates.

-ELA -- April 11th and 12th

-Math -- May 7th and 8th

-Science for 5th grade only - May 15th

These tests are required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and are designed to provide important information about whether students are prepared to progress through school and graduate with the critical-thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning skills they need for long-term success in school, college, and careers, and to support students in their pursuit of economic security and a choice-filled life.  

These tests are just one of several measures our schools use to assess student progress: grades, report cards, writing samples, projects, assignments, and other performance-based student work are equally important.  On these days  please make sure of the following:

-that your child gets a good nights rest

-Have your child eat a healthy breakfast

-That they get to school on time (at or before 8am)

-Tell your child to do their best and have a great day!

Thank you for your support and helping your child succeed in school!

State Testing Information | White Pass School District